
Note 5 – Fixed assets and intangible assets

Fixed assets

 ArtVehiclesMachinery, equipment and inventoriesLand, buildingsTotal
Acquisition cost as at 1.1.2020111 7224852 210
Year’s disposals--00
Year’s additions-1871187
Acquisition cost as at 31.12.2020111 9094862 398
Accumulated depreciation and write-downs-11 6723362 010
Book value as at 31.12.20201-237150388
Annual depreciation--532577
Depreciation schedule (straight-line)None5 years3-6 years10-25 years

The company has expensed some minor leases for cars, office machinery and equipment.

Intangible assets

  IT infrastructureGames and game applicationsDistribution channelsAgreementsAgreements
Acquisition cost as at 1.1.202029118033012813
Year’s disposals-
Year’s additions-----
Acquisition cost as at 31.12.202029118033012813
Accumulated depreciation and write-downs26617832612781
Book value as at 31.12.20202524032
Annual depreciation1512018
Depreciation schedule (straight-line)5 years3-7 years5-7 years3 years

Intangible assets relate to development projects carried out under the company’s direction. The projects involve the development of new solutions or modifications of solutions purchased from external suppliers.
The total income from capitalised assets is expected to at least offset the cost of production. Expenses related to salaries and other personnel expenses for employees involved in development work are not capitalised since the company has no reliable means of measuring them.

Depreciation and write-downs

Intangible assets1864
Fixed assets77125
Total depreciation95189
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